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Offline BrownSugar  
#1 Posted : 17 February 2021 21:05:59(UTC)
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Hiiii. The fact that it has been 10 whole years and I STILL can't grow facial hair is a personal attack.


February 17th is a day that always has me out of sorts. It's a poignant one for sure and one I dread each year as I always expect something big/terrible to happen. February 17th 2012. I attended the funeral of my great aunt - the first funeral I had ever attended. I hate the idea of death. I also hate the idea of public speaking. Of course that witch's last dig was to request for me to do a reading at her funeral. That day was filled with panic, fear, a lot of sweating, a horrendous sore stomach and nearly passing out.

February 17th 2014 - aka "the worst day of my life". I'll get straight to the point. That was the day I contemplated taking my own life. My father was dying (thankfully he made a miraculous recovery but at the time it was touch and go), I was failing my last year of school, I was out of my depth and it felt like everyone was too busy to notice. That day, I had an interview for one of the top universities in Scotland (and all of the UK if I remember correctly). This was before I was better acquainted with my city so it was a daunting thing going out to the west end on my own. I was interviewing for a spot in the education programme, in the hope of becoming a teacher. I didn't actually want to do that. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was just thrown into it because I had previous work experience as a teacher and I wanted everyone at my school to shut up about uni placements. I had no idea what I was doing. I was skipping school, hating it while I was there as I couldn't concentrate and was left with all the subjects I didn't want as I had to be a smartass and pass everything else the previous year, my dad was at Death's door, I was way out trying to earn a spot in this big, prestigious university while functioning on no sleep and looking ROUGH. Everything was getting on top of me, I REALLY felt the isolation that day as I was way over on the other side of the city on my own as a fragile teen. I contemplated throwing myself over a bridge that runs through a huge park behind the university.

February 17th 2016, a dear dear family friend passed away. Like I said earlier, I hate the concept of death but in a selfish way as it reminds me of my own mortality. However, this was the first time I really felt the loss. It wasn't about me. It was about her, Adeline. She was my mum's best friend, the mother of my brother's childhood best friend and just a lovely woman. I'm glad I got to know her better as I grew older but I truly think she'd be one of my best friends too if she were still here. The older I became, the more I "got" her. As a kid I used to think she was real whiney and moany. I had a very "you aren't my mum so you can't give me into trouble" approach. I then realised it was out of love. She loved me and my siblings. Adeline was a rather lonely woman. She was a single parent and unlucky in love. She really wanted to find someone and have more children. Unfortunately, she never had the opportunity. I hate cancer.

It is an odd feeling to be slightly looking forward to today due to its track record. However, February 17th 2011 was the day I joined this forum, making today my 10TH ANNIVERSARY! WTF?!?! Where did the decade go?! I can't believe that at around 7pm GMT (about 12 for most of you I think) will mark 10 whole years since I first saw a bunch of your usernames online. When I tell you February 17th is always a MOMENT. How is it going to simultaneously remind me of joining my beloved forum whilst also in the same breath bringing up scarring memories?? The nerve of this bitch.

When I first joined, it wasn't really me. I was there but living through my friend Carmel. She played the main game. When I was with her one night, a link to the forum popped up on the main site and we clicked it. I was blown away. It looked like everything I ever wanted. Be a pop star? Write songs? Design cover art? Damn right I bullied her into making an account. She created the username and the first two or three posts on here. After that, the novelty wore off for her and she let me have the account. Sadly she moved to Ireland not long after that and I haven't seen her much over the last 10 years. We are not as close as we once were and she doesn't even know how important she is to my story. She's living life across the sea as a mum of two now.

Elephant in the room, I assumed her identity for the first 6 years. Yikes! When I joined, I was a self-hating, insecure, God-fearing Catholic schoolboy. I was just 14 years old which is crazy to think of. The stuff I was writing at that age?! Someone better give me a number for a therapist. Long story short, I was scared of being queer. Scared of people finding out. Scared of what it might mean for me when I die. All the religious and social bollocks rolled into one. Being a "girl" and not really having to post any photos of myself meant I could be as campy, queer and lust over all gender of pop stars/entertainers as my heart desires. Teenage girls are "allowed" to do all that. Well, that's how I felt at the time anyway. Being Carmel was my protection. It got harder to keep it up the longer I was on here. I found myself in such a horrible position. I loved you guys but I had told a lot of lies to cover my ass. While a lot of things I told my fellow forum friends were true, I still changed a lot of details and embellished to suit my Carmel story. I was making genuine friends on here and was lying to their faces?? I couldn't do it. I literally cried out of guilt and fear leading up to my announcement. I was expecting backlash and to lose friends but you lot are just the sweetest. You embraced me and allowed me to flourish.

I owe so much to this forum and you guys. Not only has it nurtured my writing/creative skills and passions but it has done wonders for my mental health. While I still think I'm far from the best looking guy on the planet, I can now post pics of myself on here, on a personal Twitter and Instagram account all because of the support I had on here. You all got to know the bulk of my personality before attaching a face to it. It was like I was accepted in two stages. Once I realised that it didn't matter what I looked like, it gave me the confidence to actually be myself. Didn't have to hide behind pop star profile pics on Twitter any more. I could just be me.

I look back over the time here and it has been such a JOURNEY. The friendships I have made, the characters we've all created, the stories!!? My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the word have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS? I love the fictional world we have created here. While it is rich in lore and history, it is also a very private, special connection we have. So much goes into it for just a few select people in the world to read it and care. I love that. It's OUR thing. Like a family secret or inside joke among friends. I truly cherish it. It really tickles me in real life sometimes. Like every time I meet Shawn Mendes, while I'm still excited as I'm a huge fan, there's the part of me that has to bite my lip and stifle a giggle as he approaches because I keep thinking, "that's Joshua Grimmie!".

Hope I don't run over the character limit but I just HAVE to highlight you all individually. You've been part of my journey and you all hold a special place in my heart. If I miss anyone out, believe me it is not intentional and I still love you. My brain is just functioning at high speed right now with so many ideas and things I want to touch on.

FiveT/Daniele - My first forum friend. We really DO go back 10 years. You were the first person I ever told about my identity. I believe I told you within the first year and you respected my privacy and kept it to yourself. Truly indebted to you forever. We have such a similar taste in music with a love for pop bands, especially our beloved Spice Girls! I'm so glad that you are still here all these years later. You'll always have a special place in my heart, my first internet friend.

mebeme101/John - I know you are no longer on the forum but there was a time you and I were inseparable. It was super intense. We lived in each other's pockets for quite some time in 2012/13. Messaging what felt like every hour of every day, creating all these stories that still have an impact today. Dustyn and Blake? Billy and Andrea? Whew! I think working with you really cemented my staying here. Also, I told you about my identity pretty early on too and you also respected my wishes and helped me through so much. I miss you.

genocidalking/Scott - My fellow Scottish pal (who lives in Engl*nd but we won't dwell on that). You have been a rock to me. Being a few years older, your words always seemed to drip with wisdom. When life got tough for me and my dad and all the fluffy teenage bullshit seemed less important, you were there to listen and be a sounding block. A real solid pal. Forever grateful for the fucking PARAGRAPHS of messages we would send back and forth and even to this day, even though you aren't as active, you still often pop up and ask how things are going. It's always just like picking up where we left off. You're amazing.

erichhess/Josh - Josh. I don't think people know just how close we are. Practically message every single day on Instagram. I'm even confident enough to send you voice notes (even though I sound like Shrek), drunken photos and...well, things that shall remain our secret. Outside of my earlier friends, you were probably the first to really embrace me when I came out. I always loved you and your RP style but for the last 4/5 years, we've formed a real bond. We nurture each others whacky natures, have a bunch of our own FOUL inside jokes and are always there for one another. A day isn't right unless I've messaged you. Genuinely wouldn't know what to do without you. My best friend from across the pond. I love you.

Famouss7x7/Jaime - Likewise with Josh, I think people underestimate our friendship. We talk a LOT and you were also quick to embrace me. I remember being scared to tell you because we had grown a lot closer in the year leading up to it due to our Lincoln and Aaron story. You were so chill though. Weird to think I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined. I was an insecure teen and you seemed so sure of yourself and were doing what I wanted to do - firing out really sleek, well done pop records and juggling a plethora of well-rounded acts. I really envied you. You're a great writer and it's always an honour to work with you.

RoseJapanFan/Tequila - Again, I was really intimidated by you when I first joined! It's a me thing, though. You just seemed so confident and you were the first person whose real name I learned. Made me feel like you were so comfortable with yourself, which is what I wanted to be. When I joined, you were the IT girl. You posted a lot and all your RPs got so much traction and you stacked up those #1s with Izzy! I wanted to get in with you but feared we'd clash lol. Now, I'm so grateful to call you a friend. You're so sweet and I've noticed that you and I have similar opinions on a lot of things. You just have the guts to execute things while I go back in forth in my head lmao.

kandii/Semeria - My girl. When you first joined I lowkey thought you'd be trouble, coming for us mods like that! lmao. You came out swinging with a solid act like Rum & Coke and an RP full of gifs which wasn't done before. Very visual. I was like "who IS she?!". You also seemed very sure of yourself back in the day and I was shocked to realise that you too were claiming something that wasn't true. Can't believe you were just 5 years old omg! Seriously though, I've watched you grow into a wonderful young women and soon-to-be mother. You have wisdom beyond your years and a heart way bigger than that petite stature of yours. You're an absolute queen and don't you forget that.

stephaniewazhere/Daniel - When I talk about intimidation, you take the cake. Stephanie Fierce was THEE character when I first joined. I found your RPs so polished. She really did feel like music royalty, even though at the end of the day it's all make believe and a game. I still viewed her as like the pinnacle. When we reconnected years later, I was taken aback by how similar our stories were. I feel like you and I can relate on a more personal level when it comes to struggle with identity. So glad to see you flourishing with your relationship and being yourself. I'm now thankfully on that path too!

2001clay/Clay - We haven't known one another very long but you seem very kind and sweet. In a way, you sort of remind me of myself back when I joined. You just seem to want positive vibes, keep to yourself and focus on the art. It's clear you have a passion for this and have a love for music. Judging from a lot of soundalikes we use, I've noticed we have a similar taste in music too. You're the first "new" user in years who has actually stuck around and I love that so much. Hope to see you expand and flourish on here for the next however many years :)

PANIC!/Gabriel - There's a recurring theme of me being scared of people here haha. Back in the day, I will admit that I never "understood" you. I felt as if you didn't like me. You were another great RPer who I wanted to be like but I remember the first comment I got from you (IC, of course) was one that mocked my beloved boy band. 15 year old me took that to heart lmao. It has only been in the last year that we have gotten to know one another. We seem to be on a similar wavelength when it comes to creating and just opinions in general. I know we could chat whole paragraphs for ages in pm haha. Really glad we finally grew closer and I can't wait to keep working with you.

AtonicRecords/Axel - You're like a baby brother at this rate. I just want to protect you from everything and everyone. That might just be the queer boy wanting to protect another LGBT baby because I know you can handle yourself lol. You're very instrumental in me becoming far more confident in interacting with people. I often think about the group chat you added me to with Seme and Tequila. That wasn't long after I came out and was still nervous about how I was perceived. Forever grateful for that. Was taken under your wing and just fully embraced. You're such a lovely person and extremely talented. Your photoshop skills are wonderful and you write some amazing pop tunes. Jealous xoxo

freestylechamp/Jonathan - I just want to commend you for everything you do on here. You write some of the best raps I've ever laid eyes upon, you have a long-running show and within that, you always try to make everyone feel included by either reviewing their work or mentioning their stories on the show. Can't believe you do all that whilst also writing and being creative away from here. I just know I would burn up and out. Kudos to you for sticking around here despite being so busy. I really admire you for your ethic. I think you are a lovely, talented person. Never been any drama. You've been nothing but accepting of me and just an all round joy to RP with. Hope we can do even more in the future!

C4AJoh/Andrew - You really inspired me to step my writing game up. I always loved writing and English was my favourite subject in school. I always took pride in my work but after reading your stuff, I was left red in the face. So polished and refined. It's clear that you have a real talent and passion for this. Your words are of the highest calibre and I feel they are vastly underrated. What I admire so much about you is the high standard you've kept throughout the years. You are also very focused on the art and none of the drama that can come with being a mod on here. You just write masterpieces and go, also keeping a level head. I get too in my feelings over stuff haha.

GirlSpice/Stacy - You're the main reason I stepped my game up with RP. Your graphics made me want to learn how to edit. Your writing made me want to refine my words and expand my vocabulary. You're like a ready-made pop star and songwriter. I have always been in awe of your talent. Was absolutely floored when you returned and it seemed like you had never left. Although we aren't really close friends, I still smile whenever I see you online. Not only do I appreciate your stellar RPs but you are just such a lovely person that radiates a warmth.

Even though this is my story, one that I've felt every single raw emotion of over the years, it wouldn't be complete without you guys. You've all been instrumental and impacted my life in one way or another. Whether it was offering to RP, being a shoulder to cry on, giving me a compliment regarding my work, the butterfly effect is that I am still here and feeling stronger than the 14 year old boy who joined on this day in 2011. I can't thank you enough. I love you all. Here's to 10 more years!



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RoseJapanFan on 17/02/2021(UTC), erich hess on 17/02/2021(UTC), PANIC! on 18/02/2021(UTC), freestylechamp on 18/02/2021(UTC), 2001clay on 18/02/2021(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 18/02/2021(UTC), kandii on 18/02/2021(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 18/02/2021(UTC), Taylr2 on 19/02/2021(UTC), FiveT on 21/02/2021(UTC), Mckenzie- on 27/02/2021(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#2 Posted : 17 February 2021 23:08:35(UTC)
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It's too early to be getting emotional dang it UserPostedImage I don't know why anyone would have been intimidated by me back then, I didn't know what I was doing at all, I just went with the flow and thought I had to bring it or yall would kick me out lol. But I'm really grateful that I branched out and made all the friends I did on here, I love yall A LOT UserPostedImage Happy 10 years!!
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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BrownSugar on 17/02/2021(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 18/02/2021(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#3 Posted : 17 February 2021 23:31:53(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
It's too early to be getting emotional dang it UserPostedImage I don't know why anyone would have been intimidated by me back then, I didn't know what I was doing at all, I just went with the flow and thought I had to bring it or yall would kick me out lol. But I'm really grateful that I branched out and made all the friends I did on here, I love yall A LOT UserPostedImage Happy 10 years!!

You're right, there was no real reason to feel that way when I look back lol. It was just me. I was a VERY sheltered and insecure teenage boy. Knew very little of the real world outside of school and the church. Literally anyone with a strong personality or sense of themselves really intimidated me lol. I would even read too much into IC comments, thinking I was being attacked despite the fact it's a damn roleplay game LOL



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RoseJapanFan on 18/02/2021(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#4 Posted : 18 February 2021 00:57:58(UTC)
erich hess
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In spite of your love of the show "friends", I still love you back. I'll at least give madonna a few moments of my time.Dancing

You've told me privately about these terrible dates in your life. That's a heck of a lot for anyone to handle,but you made it through and the worlds a better place because of it.

It just wouldn't be a day without hearing from you. For better or worse,you've done nothing to dispell my ideas of scotland basically coming from Irvine Welsh books. Ive learned aa lot of things about a lot of topics that I probably never would have known otherwise. Anything from classic British soaps. (I knew the name coronation street and eastenders,but that was my extent)to the fact that gay men (tops) are just as gross as their straight counter parts. though I wouldn't say you sound like shrek,more like ewen mcgregor. But,I know you clean it up for us when posting your voice. I assume it's really like the video of the Scottish guy on the roof flipping the fuck out. You're the only one here who's heard my voice And seen a modern, though unshaven and ling haired picture of me. So that should tell you how highly I think of you. On paper,we should have little in common,but we're very close.

In a way,I understand how you first felt. There is a long story,but I appreciate wanting to be anyone else. But...I totally had my suspicions about you not being a young girl. No young girl knows much about British leyland and writes so much fart based humor. It's one or the other,can't be both. You know I love you very much,Mr sugar.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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BrownSugar on 18/02/2021(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 18/02/2021(UTC)
Offline kandii  
#5 Posted : 18 February 2021 06:21:40(UTC)
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Oh my god I was not 5 LOL Sean I real life love you. I pray you find the peace you deserve. I feel like the fact that we were all led to this forum was fated and we're divinely connected bc of it. Hoping we continue to be a shoulder to lean on for each other, this forum has undoubtedly got us all through so much and it still is. The fact that you have a nice paragraph for practically everybody... bitch I need to make more friends!
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BrownSugar on 18/02/2021(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 18/02/2021(UTC)
Offline PANIC!  
#6 Posted : 18 February 2021 08:23:41(UTC)
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Oh crap. My bad! I've always had a hunch that people felt I was a real life douchebag thanks to how I portrayed RRH some 10 years ago, especially when I was a pretty private person OOC compared to others. I'm really not a pretentious asshole haha! If anything I am guilty for being long-winded, as you shared with our paragraph long pms back and forth. That some of you can attest to haha.

It honestly takes courage to be so open and vulnerable, so I commend you for that. I can relate to your journey as I was a 15 as well when I first joined the forums and was dealing with my own set of issues and insecurities (and still do to an extent.) While, as you said, we were not close or interacted much years back, I am happy that I have gotten the chance to know you and work on creative ideas with you over the last year. I am truly impressed with your work and have admittedly gone back to read a lot of your stuff that I may have missed during my hiatus a few years back. Congrats on 10 years!
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BrownSugar on 18/02/2021(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#7 Posted : 19 February 2021 00:32:24(UTC)
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I'm so proud of you and I'm happy you made this post because it made me realize how many of us are actually so close on here, we often forget because we're so focused on our RP's and this crazy world we call the TRSG.

Our journeys with self identity are kind of similar which I find very comforting knowing I was not the only person who felt that way. I do think it takes a lot of courage to open up the way we both had. I never understood that until I got older and now I own every fiber in my being. When I first joined the forum, I portrayed myself as a woman because that's who I wanted to be at the time, so having to "come out" the forum as a man; a gay one at that was kind of terrifying so I understand every word of what you say and I'm sincerely so happy you found the courage to be yourself. At the time I did it, gay marriage wasn't even allowed in America so we are progressing my friend lol

I would even say I wouldn't be back here if it wasn't for you reaching out to me. Coming back to the forums wasn't easy and I definitely did not plan on it. I felt terrified and I felt like I wouldn't belong here again and not gonna lie sometimes I still feel that way, so convincing me that I should really made it so much easier. Outside of your amazing RP skills, you do have such an approachable and light hearted spirit that is rare and beautiful.

I know that you've contributed so much to this forum and still are. I know doing the charts isn't easy week to week, that's why I stopped doing them back in 2011 or 2012 (can't remember) but I know that the effort you put on to here at least make this place fun with all of your incredible RP's, ideas and shows that you do. So thank you for that and I do hope you don't let up on your passions here.

You can tell I'm Hispanic because I wrote a whole essay in response, but that's just what we do :P

on a side note - erich hess, you sent me a pic of yourself once, so in faint memory I know how you look like :P I only remember this because of your post
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BrownSugar on 19/02/2021(UTC)
Offline 2001clay  
#8 Posted : 21 February 2021 04:39:59(UTC)
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That was so sweet & i was so touched i mean i just couldn't explain it really but other than that it was so nice so thank you :)

My Character:
Jade Trembay,
Ava Tuffin,
Gabby Love,
Jamel Jones,
Tamar Gilbert (TikaBKilla),
Rose Harris,
Liam Russell,
Natalie Mays,
Murda Bling,
Cosmic Blue,
Camille Preston,
Chanel C. Fox,
Aubrey Cassidy,
Sophia Delaney,
Sally Parkwood,
Tika Mays,
Diego Lopez,
Samantha Stevens,
Paige Wesley,
Mr DJ Hurricane,
Keshia Love,
Stardom Boys,
Alexis Brooke,
Christina Moreno,
Slim Money,
Fatima Amari,
David Dankworth,
Ciara Lovett
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BrownSugar on 21/02/2021(UTC)
Offline FiveT  
#9 Posted : 21 February 2021 08:10:02(UTC)
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Aww wow, Sean, that was really emotional to read.
First of all you were my first internet friend too, I never had known someone online before, not to mention in a different country and language, I was only 16 when it happened and I felt language barriers at that time. We managed to create a special bond anyway, what you say is absolutely true and you hold a special place in my heart as well.

I agree with Semeria about TRSG being fate thing, I always feel like that too. For example when my character came out as gay on TRSG world, I was scared to death (in fact Den dated Lyrica!)
It happened before my real coming out and I never ever thought it could have, always imagined myself as alone in life focusing only on my career when I was a teen.
We have grown up as kids with people telling us being gay is wrong, that is something laughed at, that is against God and religion, so it took so much courage. I will never forget the moment you told me about you, I don't know if you remember, you surely do, but that inspired me too! When I saw that my character was accepted as gay, that it was ok, my life changed and it eventually happened in real life too...

It was the most beautiful thing, you stop living the life of others and stop being a guest star in the show of your life, that's how it felt for me!

I am really glad we are growing up even though I had to leave the forum to find myself and some things in my life, especially after coming out, but a few years ago when I came back maybe I was also finding some comfort for a situation I was dealing with but it made me realize even more the beauty of this little world/story that I imagine like a parallel universe we control together. I am really glad also to be in this community and the amount of help even in slightest things like language, writing or graphics that it gave me is unbelievable, so I really understand you! And yes, I definately also believe we do so many different jobs when writing an album, a performance, an article or something lol I wish we could add that to a curriculum!

Anyway hope we'll be there in 10,20 and further years together... Maybe roleplaying from Mars who knows! Laugh

Titans (Laurence, Jo, Martina, Den, Tanya)
Kegan Dawson - Actor, presenter, radio speaker, model, showman
Cj Frankson - Youtuber, Actor, model, showman
Rashai Mari - Model, Dj
Igor Stanovski - Russian tycoon, businessman
Claire Becker - Writer, vocal coach, presenter, radio speaker
Augusto Lincoln - Enterpreneur, model, manager
Lukas Paradiso - Model, Actor

The Jollies
Zafari Mari 👩🏾‍🦲, Rose Hemsworth 👩🏻‍🦰, David Hernandez 👱🏻, Natasha Stanovski 👧🏻, Fabriano Galore 👨🏻


Creating Sims content here on my YouTube channel! -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Tq0J8bDFMidZWlrFK0gtQ
thanks 1 user thanked FiveT for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 21/02/2021(UTC)
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